Panchatantra and Hitopadesha are famous folk tale work in Sanskrit.
In it, animals are the characters through which preaching of wisdom has been imparted in a very simple and natural way.
Right from children to old age, everyone loves to listen to the story.
As one enjoys reading it, one finds it easy to understand the moral inbuilt in the story.
The lesson presented here is prepared on the basis of both Panchatantra and Hitopadesha.
Vishmusharma the author has written (composed) Panchatantra in five sections Mitrabhedam, Mitra Sampraapti, Kaakolookiyam, Labdha Pranaasham, and Apareekshita Karakam.
This story is taken from the first section Mitrabhedam (discord between friends).
The writer of Hitopadesha is Narayana Pandit.
There are four sections in Hitopadesha
viz. Mitralabha Suhradbheda, Vigraha, and Sandhi.
The present story is found in the fourth section Sandhi.
Here is a story of three fish Anagatavidhata, Pratyutpannamati, and Yadbhavishya.
Anagatavidhata runs away to another lake to protect itself’ from fishermen.
When Pratyutpannamati is caught in the net, it protects itself by finding the way (remedy) using its swift intellect.
The third fish Yadbhavisya, thinking ‘come what may’, sits idle and ruins itself The
names given to all three fish suggest their nature.
A man should think about the remedy (cure) for forthcoming difficulties in advance and he should intellectually find out the way when he is in trouble.
An idle and active person depending just on luck has to suffer like Yadbhavishya.
Here the sanskritwala has created this post especially for the students of English medium schools. Students can watch a wonderful video of this lesson,
To watch the video in Gujarati, please Click Here.
Here are some very IMP types of questions from this lesson. These may help you to achieve your goal in the nest board exams.
STD 10 Sanskrit IMP Questions are...
1. What did the fisherman think about seeing the lake?
2. What did fish tell one other on listening to fisherman's conversation?
3. What was the opinion of Anagatavidhata?
4. Why did Pratyutpannamati give the idea to go to another lake?
5. What does Yadbhavishya believe about leaving the lake?
6. What is the moral of the story?
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Sanskrit, Sanskritwala, STD 10 Sanskrit, Sanskrit STD 10, Sanskrit Grade 10, Sanskrit Lessons, Dhoran 10 Sanskrit, Sanskrit STD 10 Chapter 02,
Thanks a lot.
Jayatu Sanskritam.
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