7 Aug 2020

STD 10 Sanskrit | Ch 4 | Janardanasya Pashchimah Sandeshah | English Medium


    Bhas name is famous in Sanskrit literature. His plays are known as BHASNATAKACHAKRAM and the present extract is taken from his one-act play DUTAGHATOTKACHAM . after the death of ABHIMANYU, lord KRUSHNA sends GHATOTKACH as his envoy. Hev approaches DHRUTRASHTRA and is courteously received by the latter. GHATOTKACH brings three messages: one to DHRUTRASHTRA, another to DURYODHAN ( Which is omitted from the lesson), and the third to KURU princes which is an admonition and a warning that death would be upon them with the rays of the sun on the morrow.

Please Click Here to watch an animated video on this lesson.

Some short note in English :

( 1 ) Character of GHATOTKACH
Ans. n spite of being the son of a demoness HIDIMBA, GHATOTKACH behaves like a perfect gentleman. He does not forget to mention the elders like YUDHISHTHIR  when he bows down to DRUTRASHTRA. he shows his respect for DHRUTRASHTRA further by describing him as the source of all auspicious things. While talking with DURYODHAN and SHAKUNI shows his skill in repartee. All through the scene, GHATOTKACH wins our sympathy and respect.

( 2 )   The message conveyed by SHREE KRISHNA.
GHATOTKACH conveys SHREE KRISHNA message to DHRUTRASHTRA first and a final message SHREE KRUSHNA warns the old king DHRUTRASHTRA about the grim future of losing a hundred songs and asks him to be prepared. In the final message, DHUYODHAN  and other princes are told that death would come upon them with the rays of the sun. Lord KRUSHNA message begins with a short, benign sentence DHARMA SAMACHAR - " Do what is right. have regard for your kinsmen." and the third sentence - whatever is your desire, fulfill here on the earth prepares us for the final climax-Death will come upon you with the rays of the sun.

Please Click Here to watch an animated video on YouTube.

Some Short Notes:

He was the father of hundred sons, i.e,  KAURAV and one daughter, DUSHALA. He had been blind since his birth. GHATOTKACH calls him the father of a hundred ignoble sons.

The light of the kuru race ABHIMANYU was the son of ARJUN and SUBHADRA, the sister of lord KRUSHNA. He was very raving and illustrious so he was rightly described bt ARJUN as KURUKULPRADEEP, the light of kuru race nf YADUKULPRAVAL, the scion of Yadu race. He was brutally killed by the Kauravas, so ARJUN decided to kill JAYADRATH who was responsible for ABHIMANYU death.


JANAN..... this is one of the many names of lord KRUSHNA. It is significant since it means "one who kills the wicked" and the message sent o DHRUTRASHTRA indicates the destruction of Kauravas.


The phrase is used bt the character in the play when the person does not find it worthy to listen to the words spoken bt the other character. It means literally, let the evil be pacified or averted". it is like 'God forbid' or "Don't say so".


JATUNAH......... A house of lacquer or sealing wax. Pandavas along with their mother KUNTI were made to stay in the house made of lacquer with the evil intention of killing them by setting it on fire. GHATOTKACH referred to it to prove that Kauravas were crueler than the demons as they had planned to kill Pandavas in such a wicked way.


He was DURYODHAN maternal uncle, i.e., GANDHARI brother. He had been the adviser of DURYODHAN in his wicked dealings with the Pandavas. He was finally killed at the hands of SAHADEV in the great Mahabharata war. In this lesson, he insults GHATOTKACH.

Please Click Here to watch an animated video on YouTube.

Some IMP Question - Answers

(1) What does GHATOTKACH advise SHAKUNI to do?

GHATOTKACH advises SHAKUNI to give up the game and be prepared to fight with arrows.

(2) why does GHATOTKACH call DURYODHAN crueler than a demon?

ans.   DURYODHAN tried to burn his own brothers ( PANDAVAS ) in a house made of lacquer. even a demon would not do such a cruel thing. Quoting this evil deed GHATOTKACH calls DURYODHAN crueler than even a demon.

(3) Describe ARJUN lamentation onABHIMANYU death. 

ans. Lamenting the death of ABHIMANYU in the battlefield ARJUN says, "alas! O son, the burning lamp on the KAURAV dynasty ! the scion of  YADUKUL! Leaving your mother SUBHADRA and myself you went to meet your grandfather (PANDU) in heaven." 

Thanks a lot.

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