4 Sept 2020

STD 10 Sanskrit | Abhyas 1 | Punaravartanam Kriyapada - Parichayaha Cha | English Medium

Read the following sentences:

        (1) अंशः क्रीडनकानि क्रीडति |
        (2) नित्या प्रातःकाले विद्यालयं गच्छति | 
        (3) दिव्यः हस्ते चशाकम आदाय जलं पिबति |
    You have studied sentences like these in std. 9. Let us revise some points in these sentences.
    In the above sentences क्रीडति, गच्छति and पिबति are the three verbs. These are present tense (लट लकार) third-person singular forms of respectively क्रीड, गम (गच्छ) and पा (पिब). All three roots belong to the first conjugation (प्रथम गण).

    In the first sentence, अंश: is the subject of the verb क्रीडति so it is in the nominative case. क्रीडनकानि is the object of the verb and so it is in the accusative case. There are three words in the sentence.

    In the second sentence, नित्या being the subject of the verbs गच्छति is in the nominative case. प्रातःकाले shows the time of गच्छति and so it is in the locative case. विद्यालयम is in the accusative case. There are four words in the sentence.

    In the third sentence, दिव्य: being the subject of the verb पिबति is in the nominative case. हस्ते shows the place of आदाय so it is in the locative case. चषकम is the object of the ल्यबन्त gerund आदाय so it is in the accusative case. जलं is the object of the verb पिबति so it is in the accusative case. There are six words in this sentence. 

    In all this sentence. All the words are related to the verb in various ways. The relation between a noun and a verb in the sentence is called कारक. They are as follows:
    1. कर्तृकारक - प्रथमा विभक्ति (Nominative case)
    2. कर्मकारक - द्वितीया विभक्ति (Accusative case)
    3. करणकारक - तृतीया विभक्ति (Instrumental case)
    4. संप्रदानकारक - चतुर्थी विभक्ति (Dative case)
    5. अपादानकारक - पञ्चमी विभक्ति (Ablative cases)
    6. अधिकरणकारक - सप्तमी विभक्ति (Locative case)

    The sixth case or genitive case states the relation with the other words and not with the verb so it not called कारक. There are seven cases and six कारक.
    When you are studying the lessons in the textbook. Pay attention to the relation that exists between the verb and every other word.

    Now read the following sentence:

1. (क) सः वेद पठति |
    (ख) त्वं वेदं पठसि |
    (ग) अहं वेदं पठामि |
2. (क) स: वेदम अपठत |
    (ख) त्वं वेदम अपठ: |
    (ग) अहं वेदम अपठत |
3. (क) स: वेदं पठिष्यति |
    (ख) त्वं वेदं पठिष्यसि |
    (ग) अहं वेदं पठिष्यामि |

    In above three groups of sentences, the sentences of (क) group have the same subject (स:) and object (वेदम) but the forms of the verbs are different (पठति, अपठत
, पठिष्यति).

    Similarly in the sentences of (ख) group have the same subject (त्वम) and object (वेदम) but the forms of the verbs are different (पठसि, अपठ:, पठिष्यसि).

    The same thing can be observed in the sentences of the (ग) group. The subject अहं is the same. Object वेदम is the same but the forms of verbs are different (पठामि, अपठम, and पठिष्यामि). The reason for the different forms of the verbs is the tense.

    Now see the three sentences of the group. 1. All these sentences are in the present tense but the forms of the verb are different in person. स is the third person singular subject so the verb is the third person singular पठति. त्वम being the second person. The verb is also second person singular पठसि. अहम् being the first person, the verb is also first person singular पठामि. In short, the verb changes according to the tense as well as according to the person of the subject.

    Now read the following sentences:
    1. (क) स: वेदं पठति | 
        (ख) तौ वेदं पठत: |
        (ग) ते वेदं पठन्ति |
    2. (क) स: वेदम अपठत |
        (ख) तौ वेदं अपठताम |
        (ग) ते वेदम अपठन |
    3. (क) स: वेदं पठिष्यति |
        (ख) तौ वेदं पठिष्यत: |
        (ग) ते वेदं पठिष्यन्ति |

    In the three groups, all the verbs are formed from the root पठ. In the sentence (क) of group one, the subject is third-person singular so the verb is also third-person singular (पठति). In sentence (ख) of group one, the subject is third-person dual so the verb is also third person dual (पठत:). In the sentence (ग) of group one, the subject is third person plural so the verb is also third person plural (पठन्ति). In groups 2 and 3 also, the verb has changed because of the number (वचन) of the subject.

    So in such types of sentences, the verb changes due to tense, person, and number. When you use a verb in Sanskrit, you should know the root. Then think of the tense, person, and number of the subject and add the appropriate प्रत्यय to the root. We should not forget to add विकरण (conjugational mark) to the root before adding the प्रत्यय of tense, moods, etc.

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