In the 4th century BC, the NANDA dynasty ruled the kingdom of MAGADHA. CHANAKYA whose original name was VISHNUGUPT was a teacher of political science at TAKSHASHILA University. Latter he and his disciple CHANDRAGUPTA MAURYA overthrew the powerful NANDA dynasty at PATALIPUTRA. Based on his historical fat VISHAKHADATTA wrote a seven-act play MUDRA-RAKSHASAM. This lesson is an extract from act I of MUDRA-RAKSHASAM.
RAKSHASA was a very popular, efficient, and loyal minister of NANDARAJ. When the rule of the NANDA dynasty was overthrown, RAKSHASA fled form PATALIPUTRA entrusting his pregnant wife and children to CHANDAN DAS. When CHANAKYA learned this, he called CHANDAN DAS and threatened him with dire consequences if CHANDAN DAS would not hand over the RAKSHASA family to him.
In this lesson, one will observe CHANAKYA as a ruthless statesman and a sensitive human being who appreciates CHANDANDAS loyalty to his friend. Note how CHANAKYA OPENS his conversation asking casual questions about CHANDANDAS business and suddenly comes to the crucial point. Also, note how CHANDANDAS is cautioned and on his guard from the very beginning but finally rises to the occasion. Conflict is said to be the very soul of a drama. this passage is a specimen of a powerful drama.
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Write Question - Answer
(1) How does CHANAKYA show respect towards CHANDANDAS?
Ans. CHANAKYA welcomes CHANDANDAS saying, "This is a seat. Please be seated here." He inquires about CHANDANDAS business increasing? " CHANAKYA expresses his respect by duty welcoming CHANDANDAS and showing his interest in CHANDANDAS business.
(2) According to CHANAKYA, in what matters does the CHANDRAGUPTA kingdom differ from that of NANDA?
Ans. According to CHANAKYA, NANDA was more interested in wealth whereas CHANDRAGUPTA is more concerned about his subject being happy. CHANDRAGUPTA was intent on making people free worry and anxiety.
(3) Why does CHANAKYA believe (consider) CHANDANDAS the first opponent of CHANDRAGUPTA?
Ans. CHANAKYA considered CHANDANDAS to be the opponent of CHANDRAGUPTA because CHANDANDAS had helped CHANDRAGUPTA enemy AMATYARAKSHASA - According to CHANAKYA information, CHANDANDAS had kept AMATYARAKSHASA family at his home. This according to CHANAKYA was an act of hostility. helping the enemy of CHANDRAGUPTA by providing shelter in one's house was CHANDANDAS act of hostility.
(4) How does CHANAKYA threaten CHANDANDAS?
Ans. CHANDANDAS had given shelter to the RAKSHASA family in his house. When CHANAKYA asks him about this, he reluctantly agrees that he had helped RAKSHASA in the past, and adds that they had left his house since then. when CHANAKYA asks him where they had gone, CHANDANDAS says he does not know their whereabouts. CHANAKYA reminds him that CHANDRAGUPTA gives severe punishment to those who oppose him. CHANAKYA threatens CHANDANDAS and his family members may lose their, life in this matter.
(5) What is CHANDANVASA's reply for not entrusting the family of AMATYARAKSHASA?
Ans. When CHANAKYA threatens CHANDANDAS that he himself and he the members of his family may lose their life if he did not entrust RAKSHASA family to the present ruler, CHANDANDAS refuses to budge. He says even him RAKSHASA family were in his house. He would not have surrendered them to the rulers. When CHANAKYA once again ask if it was his final decision. CHANDANDAS says that it was his firm and final reply.
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Short Question - Answer
(1) Who was CHANAKYA?
Ans. CHANAKYA was the chief minister of CHANDRAGUPTA, the king of PATALIPUTRA. His other name was VISHNUGUPTA. Initially, he was a teacher of politics in the university of TAKSHASHILA.
(2) What important role did VISNUGUPTA play in PATALIPUTRA?
Ans. VISHNUGUPTA took a keen interest in politics to relieve the people of the unjust rule of NANDA by bringing about the downfall of NANDARAJ and making CHANDRAGUPTA the king. He played the role of a kingmaker.
(3) Who was CHANDANDAS? What had he done against the king CHANDRAGUPTA?
Ans. CHANDANDAS was a rich merchant. He had given shelter to the AMATYARAKSHAS family in his house. AMATYARAKSHAS was the trusted friend and minister of NANDARAJ.
(4) Whom did AACHARYA KAUTILYA give lessons in politics?
Ans. ACHARYA KAUTILYA gave lessons in politics to CHANDRAGUPTA who was born in a humble family. latter he made CHANDRAGUPTA MAURYA the king of PATALIPUTRA having bought about the downfall of the NANDA dynasty.
Ans. RAKSHASA was the minister of NANDARAJ. He was very loyal, efficient, and loved the subjects. when NANDA lost, RAKSHASA lost ministership and he had to leave PATALIPUTRA in disguise.
Thank You Very much.
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