18 Aug 2020

STD 10 Sanskrit | Ch 15 | Jayh Parajayo va | English medium

Sanskrit for STD 10 is a really easy subject. In the Gujarat board, GSEB is very helpful for all. Here we are going to provide some English translation of some lessons of STD 10 Sanskrit. Students will enjoy it well.


    Man considers himself superior to other animals but there are no wars in the animal kingdom. individual killing does take place among animals but the war which can be called a mass murder is unknown to other animals. You might have heard the phrases. We do not know how many more will be added to the vocabulary of war.
    This lesson points out the difference between the ancient wars and modern war. In the days of RAMAYANA and MAHABHARAT, the war was fought on the battlefield and that too during the day. Now the civil population is not spared. Nights are more suitable for attacking the enemy country. the effects of war are felt long after the war is over. Even generations in the future suffer. The old proverb ' sins of the parents are visited on the children' has never been so true as it is in modern times. if a man learns from history. he will not make the same mistakes and history will not repeat itself.


    Ones ARJUN, living in heaven desirous to see the earth came down on the earth. Having reached the earth he heard a loud proclamation of victory. He went near the group of people who were proclaiming victory. People, who had scored a victory in the world war that had just ended were celebrating the victory. Having seen them ARJUN also remembered the victory in the ancient Mahabharata war and the victorious people (of the times). The people included this ARJUN who was not know to them before (and) who had appeared there in their celebrating of victory. Being delighted ARJUN also joined them.
    After some time he got thirsty. He who was a guest asked for a horse. Having asked for a horse, riding the horse he went to the lake which was out of the city and was known to him in the past. when he was about to drink water there, he heard a certain man's voice, "Gentlemen, this water is poisonous. Now it is not suitable for drinking." Being surprised ARJUN asked the man whom he had not seen before, "How is this water poisonous? The lakes created by nature are always full of water worthy of drinking."

 Write Question -Answer   

(1) What did the unfamiliar man tell ARJUN, when he went to drink the water of the lake?

Ans. When ARJUN proceeded to drink the water of the lake that was that out of the city, an unknown man said, "Gentleman, this water is poisonous. Now it is not suitable for drinking."

(2) On seeing the unfamiliar person, why was ARJUN astonished?

Ans. The unfamiliar person that ARJUN saw had the voice of a young man but his body was like that of an old man. He had no teeth. His hair was all white. He had a stick in his hand to support him. ARJUN remembered strong and stout men of his times so he was astonished to see the youth who locked very old.

(3) What things were polluted by arms and weapons used in the war?

Ans. The various weapons and missiles used in the war were very dangerous. The pollutants that came out from them polluted everything in the world. The air, soil, water, and living beings were badly affected by them.

(4) What was the condition of the son of the unfamiliar man?

Ans. The son of the unfamiliar man had gone blind as a result of drinking the polluted water of the lake. He fell into a deep well and died.

(5) What is the difference between the war of the modern age and that of MAHABHARATA times?

Ans. In the good old days of Mahabharata, the war was confined to the battlefield. The five great elements o.e., the earth, water, light, air, and space were not adversely affected. In the modern age, war has become a great nuisance. it is not confined to the battlefield. Its effects on the atmosphere are felt long after the actual was is over.

Write Short Notes.  

(1) The difference between modern warfare and that of the times of Mahabharata.

Ans. In the days of Mahabharata, the war was confined to the battlefield and that too during the day time only. after the sunset, the battle for the day was over. Children and women were spared. In modern warfare the whole country becomes the battlefield because of planes dropping bombs everywhere. The five elements, i.e., the earth, water, light, air, and space are polluted and people suffer long after the war is over. Chemical and biological wars are the new additions.

(2) BHULOK (The Earth)

Ans. According to Indian mythology, there are seven worlds above the earth. They are BHUH, BHUVAHA, SWAHA, MAHAHA, JANAHA, TAPAHA, and SATYAHA: Similarly, there are seven worlds below the earth, i.e., ATALA, VITALA, SUTALA, RASATALA, TALATALA, MAHATALA, and PATALA. In all, there are fourteen words or leaves.

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STD 10 Sanskrit, Sanskrit STD 10, STD 10 Sanskrit Lesson 15, STD 10 Sanskrit Ch 15, Sanskrit STD 10 Lesson 15, STD 10 GSEB, STD 10 Chapters, 

Thanks a lot.

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