20 Aug 2020

STD 10 Sanskrit | Ch 17 | Svabhavikam Sadrushyam | English Medium

There are so many wonders in our ancient Sanskrit scriptures. In Sanskrit of STD 10 GSEB, it has been described that how many similarities are there in the ancient scriptures and modern science. 


     Nearly 2600 years ago, PANINI composed a treatise on Sanskrit grammar named ASHTADHYAYI. There are 4000 aphorisms in ASHTADHYAYI. after two hundred years, KATYAYAN wrote explanatory notes on PANINI aphorisms. These explanations are called VARTIK. ACHARYA PATANJALI composed his VYAKARAN MAHABHASHYA (The Great commentary on Grammar). This lesson is based on the part of the commentary on PANINI aphorism STHANENTARATAMHA. The point of the lesson is how PATANJALI describes social conventions and points out the theory of gravitation while explaining the rule of grammar.

    VYAKARAN MAHABHASHYA is in the form of a discussion or conversation. The prose is so lively and interesting that Swami Vivekananda has said that it is the best prose in Sanskrit literature.

To watch an Explanation in Gujarati, Please Click Here.


    In this world, there are various types of things. For example metals such as gold, iron, etc.; trees like banyan, khadir, etc. and beasts like cows, horses, etc. among these again every object is different. For example, good is different from iron. And every single piece of gold is different from the other in shape and kind (quality).

    In fact, it is experienced that these objects are different from one another in the form of existence or being. But actually, even in the objects that are different from one another, there is some sort of natural close relation also. When the respective objects of different types are used in some action, ascertainment of this takes place. The mention of this principle is made before twenty-two hundred years by the great preceptor PATANJALI in his own VYAKARAN MAHABHASHYA. There he narrates -

     When one is told, 'Sit in the assemblies, gatherings and among the people having some kind of food'. the thin persons do not sit with the thin nor do the whites sit with the whites. They sit with only those who have a close relationship of some kind with purpose. that is to say, people invited for lunch in social life are different in shape and types. But when they proceed for lunch, they sit close to one another seeing their own inner resemblance. a man who is thin in shape does not sit with the other thin person, nor does a fat one sit with the other fat person. but among whom there is some sort of resemblance caused by purpose or occasion, following that resemblance only those sit close to one another. The members of the family of maternal uncle sit with other members of the maternal uncle, the paternal uncles with other paternal uncles, neighbours with the other neighbours. 

Write Question - Answer 

(1) What is the reason for the natural similarity of living beings?

Ans. Actually, living beings appear to be different from one another. but even in the apparently different living beings, there is some sort of natural resemblance. It becomes evident when living beings are engaged in some activity. When people are invited for lunch in a public function, they sit together feeling the resemblance based on the common motive of eating. cows come to the stable and rest with their own calves.

(2) Why is the similarity seen in non-living objects?

Ans. Not only in living beings but in non-living objects also resemblance is seen. For example, when a lump of the clay is thrown it does not go up or oblique. It comes back to the earth because it is the modification of the earth only. similarly, the flame of the fire goes up because of its resemblance with the sun.

(3) Why does the light go upwards?

Ans. light is the modification of the sun. there are resemblance and relation between light and the sun. The light of the fire on the earth also goes up because it is connected with the sun due to resemblance.

Click Here to watch a video in Gujarati.

Write Short Note 


Ans. Nearly 2600 years ago PANINI composed his treatise on Sanskrit grammar named ASHTADHYAYI. He condensed the grammar in 4000 aphorisms. Later KATYAYAN wrote explanatory notes on the aphorisms which are known as VARTIK. ACHARYA PATANJALI composed VYAKARAN MAHABHASHYA (The Great Commentary on Grammar). MAHABHASHYA is in the form of conversation and there are innumerable references about the social, political and economic life of his times as well as scientific theories.

(2) Natural resemblance among living beings

Ans. The natural resemblance does not mean similarity in size, colour, height, etc. It refers to some sort of natural close relation or inner resemblance. It may be caused by the illustration of people proceeding for lunch. They resemble one another in purpose. It is this resemblance that makes the cows come to their calf in the evening. This rule extends to the inanimate objects also.

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