10 Aug 2020

STD 10 Sanskrit | Ch 7 | Subhashitakusumani | English Medium

 Jesus said, "Man does not live by bread alone." He implied that food, water, air, etc. are necessary for a man like any living being but he needs something more than the basic necessities. Good thoughts are as necessary for man as food. Subhashitas are good thoughts with the charm of poetry added to them. since these thoughts are expressed or condensed in two four-line of poetry, they can be easily committed to memory. In the seven Subhashitas of this lesson are : 
(1) value of the speech of good people, 
(2) the usefulness of trees, 
(3) the gain of good qualities with effort,
(4) the harm caused because of the company of a fickle mined person, 
(5) means of the testing a person, 
(6) virtues fit to be imitated of the great men, 
(7) description of the nature of courageous men.

SHUBHASHIT - Translation

(1) As to somethings said by good people (even) casually, it is like a letter inscribed on the rock. On the other hand, something said by wicked people even under oath (or after taking the oath) is like a letter written on the surface of the water.

(2) A big tree having fruit and shade is worthy to be resorted to. even if by chance there is no fruit, who can prevent (one from enjoying its) shade?

(3) A boulder is placed on the mountain with the mighty effort it pushed down in a moment and practically requires no effort. One should be cautious forever. 

(4) He is displeased at this moment, pleased in the next moment. Even a favor from the one whose mind is deranged is terrible (to be feared).

(5) As gold tested in four ways, i.e., by rubbing, cutting, heating, and striking. man is also tested in four ways, i.e., by education, character, virtue, and work.

(6) Be RAM in calamities, BHIM in battles, KARNA in acts of charity KRUSHNA in policies, BHISHMA in fulfilling pledges. HANUMAN in acts of valor.

(7) Indeed the beginning (of any work ) is not made by the lower persons owing to fear of obstacles. the middle ones stop after starting when they are struck down by difficulties. Once having started the best kind of person do not give up even though they are beset with difficulties again and again.   


(1) How is gold tested?
Ans. Gold is tested in four ways. It is tested by rubbing it against the touchstone, by cutting, heating, and striking. these tests decide whether the metal is real, genuine gold, or imitation.

(2) Who should be the ideals in difficulty and keeping promises? Why?
Ans. according to the poet, lord RAM should be our ideal when we come across the difficulties. He spent such a long period in the forest, suffered innumerable troubles, and yet he never gave up. in fulfilling the pledges, BHISHMA should be our ideal. He promised that he would never marry in his lifetime and he kept his word.

(3) How is a man, not starting any activity, known as?
Ans. There are three types of men in the world: the best, the middle, and the lowest. According to the poet, a man who does not start any activity being afraid of facing the difficulties belongs to the lowest type.

(1) YATHA CHATURBHI....... | 

Translation: As gold is tested in four ways, i.e., by rubbing, cutting, heating, and striking man is tested in four ways, i.e., by education, character, virtues, and work.

Expansion of meaning: In the first line the four ways in which gold is tested are given. real, genuine gold shines brighter after going through these tests. Fake gold does not. similarly, man is judged in society not by his appearance or dress but by his knowledge, character, virtues, and work. knowledge, character, and virtues are reflected in his work and behavior. from this verse, we know the importance of developing good qualities, character, knowledge, and doing good work prove our worth.
Moral: We should try to develop good qualities. 

(2) SEVITAVYO......... | 

Translation: A big tree having fruit and shade is worthy to be resorted to. Even if by chance there is no fruit, who can prevent (One from enjoying its) shade?
Expansion of meaning: A big tree has many things to offer - fruit, shade, pleasant sound of rustling leaves. A great man is like a big tree. If you take shelter under a big tree, you are bound to enjoy its cool shade and if you are lucky you may even have a chance to eat its fruits. similarly, when you are in the company of a great man, you are sure to be benefited in some way or the other.

Moral: Being in the company of great persons is always beneficial.
Please visit our website regularly for the syllabus of STD 10 Sanskrit, GSEB 

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